Dipl.-Wirtschaftschem. Golo Rövekamp

Aktuelle Veranstaltungen im Sommersemester 2023:
Ehemalige Veranstaltungen:
- Innovationsmanagement I
- Masterseminar Strategische Unternehmensführung I
- Seminar Strategische Unternehmensführung I
- Strategisches Management
- Innovationsmanagement II
- Seminar Inter-Organizational Relations
- Seminar Strategic International Management
- Seminar Corporate Entrepreneurship – Digital Business Models
- Seminar StartUp Wochenende
- Seminar Corporate vs. Start-Up Innovation
- Seminar Social Entrepreneurship
- Seminar Internationales Management in Kooperation mit der Continental AG
- Kolloquium Einführung in wissenschaftliches Arbeiten
- Interorganizational Relations
- Sustainable Business Alliances
- New Forms of Collaboration
Kruse, D., Rövekamp, G. & Weber, C. (2022): Collaboration of Firms with New Forms of Organizing: Extending the Relational View. Organization Theory. Vol. 3, No. 4, pp.1–27. (DOI: 10.1177/26317877221131586)
Rövekamp, G., Grewe-Salfeld, M., Kruse, D. & Weber, C. (2021): Managing the complexity and dynamics of joint value creation in multi-stakeholder initiatives in the fashion industry – A relational perspective, Paper presented at the 37th EGOS Colloquium (European Group of Organizational Studies), July 2021, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (virtual event)
Kruse, D., Rövekamp, G. & Weber, C. (2019): Relational rewards and new forms of inter(organizational) collaboration., Paper presented at the 17th Open and User Innovation Conference (OUI).
Kruse, D., Rövekamp, G. & Weber, C. (2019): The generation of relational rewards via non-organizational types., Paper presented at the 35th EGOS Colloquium (European Group for Organizational Studies).
Kruse, D., Rövekamp, G. & Weber, C. (2019): New forms of inter(organizational) collaboration and the relational view., Paper presented at the 2019 WBS Workshop. Warwick Business School, Coventry, United Kingdom.
Kruse, D., Rövekamp, G. & Weber, C. (2019): Towards understanding the generation of relational rents in new forms of inter(organizational) collaboration., Paper presented at the Academy of Management OMT Division Paper Development Workshop. Cass Business School / UCL School of Management, London, United Kingdom.
Weber, C., Rövekamp, G., Grewe-Salfeld, M. & Kruse, D. (2020): Kooperieren für die Nachhaltigkeit: Handbuch zu Strategien und Erfolgsfaktoren am Beispiel der Textilindustrie - Otto Group (Hrsg.), Hamburg: Otto Group Weitere Informationen